.. Managment & Projects
.. Woodland Access
.. Arboretum Restoration
.. New Pinetum
.. Stumpy & The Girls

Stumpy & The Girls

Josephine and Garry Jackson, who live next to Chambercombe Manor grounds have transformed a once over-grown area to a 'Chicken Haven', originally 30 girls were given a lovely new home 18 months ago.

Visitors often take bread and treats for the girls and 'Stumpy' the cockerel who 'rules the roost'. An information board below the paddock and in the tea-room, tells visitors about the hens, who now have a safe place to live-out their days.

If you would like contact 'The Battery Hen Welfare Trust' for more information on battery hen egg production or how you might be able to help re - home hens. Please follow the link below

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