Managment, Objectives & Projects
As with any estate Chambercombe's management program integrates new ways of enhancing and developing the potential of the property, although the objectives will invariably differ from one property to the next in line with defined priorities.
Chambercombe Manor is maintained by charitable trust and its core priority is to preserve and enhance the property and its grounds for the public to experience.Over the last season we have made several improvements in accessibility and signage this both to make more people aware of the property and permit a wider range of people to benefit from this unique local landmark.
The Trust is currently in the process of creating a permissive access foot and bridleway through Chambercombe Wood, opening up to the public some three hectares of woodland previously inaccessible. it is intended that this will also permit the development of low impact forest practices, generating employment for local woodland craftsperson's and also a venue for demonstration of these crafts.
We are also as time and finances permit engaging in restoration of an existing Arboretum located in the outer grounds, and the establishment of a new Pinetum both of which will be open to visitors. |